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What is that existence? What is the meaning of yoga? Where does yoga begin? It starts with wonder, vismayo.

*Chapter 3 - Bubbles On The Water*

*Day 22*

Once, when I was in Ooty, India somebody told me, "There is one very brave saint residing nearby. His specialty is that he has dug his own grave. 

He is such a great soul that he has given instructions to be
buried in the grave he has dug for himself." What do you think? 

Is he a great soul or is it arrogance? While you are alive, do what you want to do and leave the rest for others to finish after your death. 

He has not left any work for others. They do not even have the freedom to build his grave because that has to happen according to his wish. 

He has such a deep-rooted interest in living and the body. There is a feeling that I have done an amazing and shocking feat, which nobody else has dared to do. 

Be patient and brave. Do not fall into self-blame. You are different from the you that experiences the three states of waking, dreaming and deep sleep. 

It takes time to discover this. It does not happen in a day. It will become an experience only when you meditate regularly. 

Sometimes while sleeping you become a witness to your own dreams, the ability to witness has awakened in you. Sometimes while you are asleep and the body rests, you realise that you are dreaming
- you are just a witness. 

When you have such an experience, pleasantness, love and affection, which are your own nature, gush through you. 

Until now, many techniques have been given to unite body,
breath, mind and self, for union to happen and for us to remain in the self. 

The technique given now is very important. Can you arcomolish any work without a hase or a foundation? Where will it stand? How will the walls be supported? 

To walk or stand, where do we put our legs? We can do these only thanks to the earth. Even your existence is a wonder. 

What is that existence? What is the meaning of yoga? Where does yoga begin? It starts with wonder, vismayo.


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