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This entire universe is permeated by something and That, you can call God.

Ishavasya Upanishad - the first of the Upanishads.

 🌹Ishavasya Upanishad.

The Password to Divinity.

The concept of God is something that has baffled this planet from time immemorial. People who say there is God have a concept and people who say there is no God also have a concept. Otherwise they can't say there is no God. The atheist also has a concept of God to be able to say that God does not exist. You pity them sometimes because they don't know the existence of Upanishad. They don't see the wisdom here. 

OM isavasyamidam sarcasm
Yatkinca jagatyam jagat 
Tenant tyaktena bhunhitha
Ma grdhah kasyasviddhanam

( All this, whatsoever moves or is stationary in this universe, is indwelled by Isha. Through renunciation enjoy, do not covert any body's earth.)

This entire universe is permeated by the Divinity. It is not a God who is sitting somewhere whose finger you are trying to catch and he runs away. God is not a person, someone who created this world and is hiding somewhere from it. God is here, now, in everything. There is nothing that can be away from God. Whatever you see in this universe -not just the permanent but also the changing, the perishable as well as what appears to be imperishable. This entire universe is permeated by something and That, you can call God. It sounds silly that some people are craving for God realization as though he is somewhere outside and is going to come in front of you and say " Oh my dear son, I am pleased with you. What do you want? I am here." No , if it happens it is only their mental aberrations, imagination. This universe is permeated by a power.


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