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The totality is what you are. The sum total of all. You are that fullness. | ASHTAVAKRA GITA


                 🌿Chapter - 5🌿
        ~ You Are Free Right Now ~

                   🌱 Day - 28 🌱


There is no two. Only you are there. Everyone is your own reflection. You are in this body, in this frame of mind now. You could be in that body and that frame of mind. Whether you like it or not, it does not matter. That's how it is. It is you, you and you alone present in many, many forms. In all names, forms and qaulities, pleasant and unpleasant nature, rough and soft nature, rude and compassionate nature, neat and clean nature and filthy nature. All these are but your own form, making you aware of the opposites. The moment you like something, you dislike something else. The moment you dislike something, you already like something else. And in this fight of likes and dislikes, you miss seeing the totality, purna. The totality is what you are. The sum total of all. You are that fullness. I don't mean to say that if you like cleanliness, do the opposite and keep yourself dirty. That's not what I'm saying. Something opposite should not throw you off your pedestal. You can have preferences like you prefer to sit comfortably. That's okay. You prefer to have your room neat and clean. That's fine. That's good. These are all parts of the events. They come and go; they happen. But don't let them overshadow your nature, your fullness. You are free. You are born free. चिदक्रियः You are not doing anything. There is something in you that is not doing anything whatsoever. The actions happen according to the body and its nature. You eat certain food which creates a lot of restlessness in you. You find yourself restless. By eating certain food, dullness comes to you. With other foods, you feel like working and acting. Eat more sugar and chocolate and you can't sit quietly. Have you had that experience? Eat lots of sugar early in the morning on an empty stomach, and you become buzzy, busy and fussy. If you eat very heavy food (bagels and whatnot), you feel drowsy. Have a double serving of bagels and yogurt early in the morning, and within one hour of breakfast, you'll go to bed and sleep till lunchtime. You'll even forego lunch. And the more you sleep, the heavier you feel in the body and mind. You become duller and duller.

In the body-mind complex, the reactions are in-built. The more sattvik you are, sattvik acitivities happen through you. Not to say that this is good and that is bad, or you shouldn't do this, you should do that. All these are happening in the body. असङगो निस्पृहः शान्तो भ्रमात्संसारवानिव

You are free, untouched, असङगो, removed. निस्पृहः शान्तो. Peace is your innate nature; it cannot go away from you. That's why it means so much to be at peace with oneself. We feel that we want to be at peace with ourselves. You are peace.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji


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