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The moment you see something as seperate, the dualities start - craving, aversion, for, against, sorrow, joy, love or hate.


                🌿Chapter - 16🌿
          ~ Three Types Of Purity ~

                   🌱 Day - 90 🌱


अहो चिन्मात्रमेवाहमिन्द्रजालोपमं जगत् ।
अतो मम कथं कुत्र हेयोपादेयकल्पना ॥

Where is the question of rejecting one amd accepting the other? Janaka completely lifts the veil from this idea about renunciation in the minds of people. What is renunciation? When you wake up in the morning, you don't say you are renouncing your dream, do you? Your dream is over. You have woken up. The dream has already left you! You can't say you renounced it yesterday. It has already passed. First of all, you should not hold on to anything. You cannot hold on to anything. It is like the incident about the two gentlemen. One looked at the moon and said, 'I have decided to buy this moon tomorrow.' And the other said, 'Forget about it. I am not going to sell it to you. Look for something else.'

One may renounce, but Ashtavakra asks what is being renounced. Do you have something to renounce? You have nothing. You possess nothing in the first place! You are insignificant in this creation. He says there is nothing to accept or reject. We say in the course that you should accept people as they are. According to Janaka there are no people. What is that you are going to accept? He cancels the first law of the course straight away. But he can only talk to those who have already done course. It will not work before thus. He says, "What is it that you have to accept? Is there another being; another person? There is no second to you, it's all one consciousness, chinmatra.

The moment you see something as seperate, the dualities start - craving, aversion, for, against, sorrow, joy, love or hate. You love and then you start hating. But when you see everything as part of on Infinite, you are so stabilized in consciousness. This doesn't mean you are not loving. You'll be so full of love, but that love will have such stability; such royalty - the royalty of Janaka. It will not be out of a need or greed. The love will be out of gratitude.


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