🌹Ishavasya Upanishad 🙏🏻
The Password to Divinity .
Isavasyamidam sarvam
Yatkinca jagatyam jagat.
There is other notion in which people say " God willing .... If God wishes let it happen." If God is responsible for everything in this universe then God is responsible for anything that anyone does. Why should I be punished? Where do you come in the picture then? If everything is done by God, then God alone takes punishment as well. There is a karta, the doer and a bhokta, the enjoyed and both go together. They are two sides of the same coin. It is misuse of knowledge when we say "I am not the doer but I am the sufferer. I am suffering the consequences but the doer is somebody else." That is impossible. The doer is somebody else. " That is impossible. The doer of the action and the enjoyed of the consequences of the action are one and the same.....