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The difference between enlightenment and un-enlightenment is like the difference between a game and a war


                🌿Chapter - 14🌿
              ~ Drop All Conflict ~

                   🌱 Day - 73 🌱


जनक उवाच
हन्तात्मज्ञस्य धीरस्य खेलतो भोगलीलया ।
न हि संसारवाहीकैर्मूढैः सह समानता ॥
यत्पदं प्रेप्सवो दीनाः शक्राध्याः सर्वदेवताः ।
अहो तत्र स्थितो योगी न हर्षमपुगच्छति ॥
तज् ज्ञस्य पुण्यपापाभ्यां स्पर्शो ह्यन्तर्न जायते ।
न ह्याकाशस्य धूमेन दृश्यमानापि सङ्गतिः ॥
आत्मैवेदं जगत्सर्वं ज्ञातं येन महात्मना ।
यदृच्छया वर्तमानं तं निषेद्धुं क्षमेत कः ॥
आब्रह्मस्तम्बपर्यन्ते भूतग्रामे चतुर्विधे ।
विज्ञस्यैव हि सामर्थ्यमिच्छानिच्छाविवर्जने ॥
आत्मानमद्वयं कश्चिज्जानाति जगदीश्वरम् ।
यद्वेत्ति तत् कुरूते न भयं तस्य कुत्रचित् ॥

The difference between enlightenment and un-enlightenment is like the difference between a game and a war. A game and a fight appear the same. Let's say you play a game. It will appear as though you are fighting. But it is a show, a game. Boxing is a game where there is a fight. The same thing could be said about a war. What is the difference? War aims at joy in the end,where as in a game the very process is joy. A game is being played as an expression of joy. What is the purpose of war? The purpose of war is to be happy. Evey war is fought for the sake of joy. Nobody would get into a war to get into trouble or suffer in the end. In a war, is it anybody's goal to get suffering, problems, or misery? That is how it is in life, how sportingly you take each event, each moment. You can smile at it, drop it and move forward. Or you can take an event to be such a big thing; a big rock on your head. Being paranoid, you imagine there's a big rock on your head. You think that everybody hates you; everybody dislikes you; you are not fit... The mind goes on with all this talk, and you go on with the trip. Where and how do we compare two people seemingly caught up in such seemingly alike but extremely opposite circumstances?

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji




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