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Spirituality honours the secret, and the honouring of the secret is called shraddha. Shraddha means not knowing what it is,but being willing to know with love something that is unknown. Loving the unknown is shraddha.


                🌿Chapter - 17🌿
         ~ Honouring The Secret ~

                   🌱 Day - 94 🌱


Ashtavakra says, ' कृताकृते च द्वन्द्वानि कदा शान्तानि कस्य वा । ' Conflicts in things done and not done. You did or did not do something. Conflict in what you have done and conflict in what you have not done. Has this conflict in the mind ever cooled down? Has it ever disappeared? Have the dualities in the mind ever settled down at any time? ज्ञात्वेह निर्वेदाद्भव त्यागपरोऽव्रती । Knowing this, all-knowing happens. Now, when you know that something is unknowable then you have known about it. Wanting to know creates the desire and keeps you in the future. Knowing it is to know that it is unknowable by the intellect or the mind, and that existence cannot be measured through your tiny intellect.

All that is precious in life is a secret. Love is a secret. The world is a secret. Your feelings and emotions are a secret. You are the biggest secret! Dharma is agreeing with the secret and honouring it. Science dissects the secret and wants to probe into it. One secret is opened and another secret comes up. When that secret is destroyed by science, deeper secrets spring up. But the secret remains all the time. It is like pushing the wall further and further away. But the wall is still there. Religion and dharma and spirituality is honouring the secret and accepting it. When you honour a secret, your mind does not jump forward. It stabilizes, it flowers and it blossoms. When you want to break a secret, you become restless. Unless you know that, you cannot be quiet. You cannot be peaceful. You cannot relax. But when you honour a secret and you accept its existence, it lifts you up to a different level of understanding. It is amazing how far acceptance and honouring of a secret takes you. That's what you do when your mantra is told to you. It is a very big secret. You keep it and meditate. And then you see it does something to your consciousness; it transcends. You take the mantra and go deeper. But intellectually you think what the use is of speaking or reciting it. When you learn to honour the secret, there is a difference.

Spirituality honours the secret, and the honouring of the secret is called shraddha. Shraddha means not knowing what it is,but being willing to know with love something that is unknown. Loving the unknown is shraddha. You love what you know, and that love can also turn into hatred. But your love for something you do not know cannot turn into hatred. How can you hate something which you do now know? But it is possible to love something which you do not know. That quality of love is called shraddha. There is an old saying, 'Shraddhavan labhte jnanam. When there is shraddha, knowledge dawns in you.'


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