Shiva Sutras | When will life be full of joy? We bargain for a little of this and a little of that, wanting that such and such should happen. These are our main worries.
*Chapter 2 - Energy Centres*
*Day 8*
When will life be full of joy? We bargain for a little of this and a little of that, wanting that such and such should happen. These are our main worries.
To free our consciousness, which is bogged down in petty worries. When we put in our best efforts, we do not worry whether or not our work will be successful.
What does worry mean? It means that we have not worked to the best of our ability. Imagine that you are playing football or running a race.
If you put in your full energy, you will have no regrets. If you do not put in your 100%, then you may think, "Oh. I could have done better."
A person who gives his full efforts knows, "How could I have done better? I did my best and am prepared to accept the results.
If I get the fruits I will be fine, and if not, then too I will be happy." When you completely apply your energy, fully using actions, speech and mind, you become full.
Bhairava means fullness. Dissatisfaction, unhappiness and discontent enter the mind when there is no fullness. Until people find fullness, they cannot have peace, comfort or sleep.
At every stage in life, if something is missing, then boredom, uneasiness and discontentment set in. Just to rid themselves of discontentment, people visit temples and other places of worship.
Why do we listen to discourses? Why do people pray? Why do we break a coconut at temples? Is it not to get rid of discontentment and to find contentment, to move from imperfection to perfection?
A thirsty person looks for water and a hungry person for food. A person with a full stomach does not look around on either side of the road for a restaurant, only a hungry person does that.
Only a person who is building a house will look for a hardware store. Before that, though he walked up and down the road so many times he did not notice the hardware store.
An exception is clothing and jewelry stores, which always get noticed except by people whose minds are happy and content.
They do not think of them, even for a moment. Do not think that your mind is fickle or weak. It is not fickle.
it merely desires completeness and is roaming here and there looking for completeness. When one is content, then the mind automatically becomes serene and quite.