*Guru Gyan:* _(Shiv Sutra_1.5)_ एक नवजात शिशु में जो चैतन्य है वह पढ़े लिखे आदमी में नजर नही आता है। बच्चे में का चैतन्य धीरे धीरे क्यों कम हो जाता है। हम एक सूचना का एक यंत्र बन गए है। एक शिशु दिन में 400 बार मुस्कुराता है। चेतना का लक्षण है...उत्साह, प्रेम, आनंद, सृजनात्मकता। चेतना के विकास में बाधा है... ज्ञानं बन्धः। जीवन हर समय ताजा है, ज्ञान तुम्हे भूतकाल से बांध देता है। पंचयन्द्री से जो ज्ञान मिलता है वह सीमित ज्ञान होता है। दो तरह के ज्ञान है...स्वरूपगत ज्ञान। कण कण में जानने की शक्ति है। जीवन का लक्षण भी जानने की शक्ति है। The enlightenment in a newborn child is not seen in an educated man. Why does the child's consciousness gradually decrease. We have become a tool of information. An infant smiles 400 times a day. The symptom of consciousness is… enthusiasm, love, joy, creativity. There is an obstacle in the development of consciousness ... Knowledge is bound. Life is fresh all the time, knowledge binds you to the past. The knowledge gained from Panchayandri is limited knowledge. There are two types of knowledge ... formative knowledge. The particle has the power to know. It is also the power to know the signs of life. 🙌
1000 names of goddess lalitha (Sahasra nama) with meaning.....The one thousand holy names of goddess Lalitha parameswari- the sahasranama with meaning in plain english. This stotra occurs in the Brahmanda Purana (history of the universe). This during the discussion between Hayagreeva and Agasthya. Hayagreeva ( with the head of a horse) is considered to be the storehouse of knowledge. Agasthya is one of the sages of yore and one of the stars of the constellation Saptarshi (Ursa major). At the request of Agasthya, Hayagreeva is said to have taught him the thousand holiest names of Lalita. laitha-parameswari Aabrahma keeda janani = She has created all beings from worm to Lord Brahma Aagna = who is the order Aarakthavarni = who is slightly red Aashobhana = who has full glitter Abala gopa vidhitha = who is worshipped by all right from children and cowherds Abhyasathisaya gnatha = who can be realized by constant practice Achintya roopa = who is beyond thought Adbutha charith...