Keeping attention on the Unknown with interest is faith Having belief in a yagna even without any knowledge about it is faith. Accepting the secret about it is faith
Chapter 12
Part 1
After the Vishwaroop darshan Krishna came into His normal human form .
Arjuna got into fear on seeing his friend Krishna in Viswaroop.
He agreed to his mistake in considering Krishna as a normal human.
You fall in love with anything once you know fully about it.The reverse is also true.
Bhakti is the fruit as well as the source of knowledge.
Before falling into bhakti or while in it or after experiencing it knowledge is there.
Now Arjuna questions Krishna
' God is considered as nirakar, formless but l saw your form.
Which is best?Bhakti of the manifest or the unmanifest?'
We all want the best in everything. Parents want best for their children .
Arjun being a prince wants the best .
Even in bhakti, knowledge,karm people go for the best.
Aryasamaj believes in the unmanifest( nirakar) and the Sanatans the manifest ( saakar)
Krishna said once, that God is in every one's heart, surrender to it.
Then He said,I am God,surrender to Me.
The Gita has many conflicting statements.And Krishna takes Arjuna step by step in this path of knowledge.
The Gita is a one to one conversation between a Guru and his disciple.Even then it is applicable to all at all times.
Generally a conversation limits its benefits to the people concerned only.
The Gita starts with a question.In Vaidic lineage to answer without anyone questioning was considered wrong.
When a question arises about the best among the bhakti of the unmanifest or the manifest,Buddha, Jesus or Krishna will say,' 'Surrender to Me.
This is the Best way'
' I am here with you now and you have established relationship with me.Because you have to put lot of effort to understand and show bhakti on something that is invisible.It is difficult to take your attention away from someone who is in front of you .
Krishna says ' One who has put his mind into Me with unshakeable faith,I think he is better'.
Where there is faith there is knowledge. With faith Upasana can be successful.
Faith is something that can get shaken,and that faith which remains strong inspite of being shaken is the real faith.Many keep faith for their personal benefits.
It is used as a currency/ pawn.
Krishna says,'Those who worship the imperishable,the un manifest,having restrained all the senses,even minded ,ever in the welfare of all beings reach Me.'
Keeping attention on the Unknown with interest is faith
Having belief in a yagna even without any knowledge about it is faith.
Accepting the secret about it is faith.Have interest in knowing the unknown is faith.
If the interest is on something you already know well cannot be called faith .The search of the unknown,this chetana is shraddha,faith.
The one with such faith is the excel in bhakti.Along with faith have patience too.
Being an aethist is very difficult.Not believing in anything is not easy.They are actually in fear within.
People who worship the unmanifest have lot of difficulties.We find this in Yahudis.
They have undergone many miseries.Their history is full of bloodshed.In Islam,life of Prophet Mohammad was filled with sorrow.Same with Sikhs.
Krishna says,'for humans who have taken birth with a body the worship of unmanifest is difficult.