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In all types of feelings, take refuge in that One alone - all feelings, not just one feeling (love), whatever feeling comes! Surrender all feelings, all states of mind, all type of situations, to that One, because only the One is


                🌿Chapter - 15🌿
           ~ Dissolving The Doer ~

                   🌱 Day - 84 🌱


So when you look at the whole life. It's all the same joys and sorrows. One day you are up and jumping, while another day you are little bit down. The down doesn't stay long nor does the up. It all happens - comes and goes; desire comes and disappointment comes; they are pairs. Expectation comes, and then desires comes. Sit for three hours and just observe your mind, or think about one person. You will have the whole cycle of emotions come and go. Do not let your emotions toss your life end. You are the master of your emotions. 

That's exactly what Ashtavakra told Janaka. Don't think you are just a worm. 'Oh, what shall I do, I am feeling so down, so angry, so depressed or so unhappy.' What is it you are feeling so much? That means you are making yourself smaller than your feelings that come and go?

Come on, wake up and say, 'What is this? Feelings come and go, so what! They'll come and they'll move. I have nothing to do with it!' Without resisting the feelings, see and smile through them. Feelings come and go. What is big about them? Offer them to the Divine.

One of the sutras in the Narada Bhakti sutra says, sarvada sarva bhavena bhagawaneva bhajaniya, offer all types of feelings to the Divine. Your mind says it is unhappy with situation, so it tries to jump into another situation. Your mind is unhappy with one person, so it wants to jump onto another person. Your mind is used to one set of things, and so it wants to go into something else. It's of no use. People do this. They change their partners or their gurus like that. 'I go to this Guru and then I go to that Guru.' And people there will say, they will go to the other guru. You can go on moving to one hundred Gurus, nothing will happen! You'll still be in the same state of mind. 'I feel so bad here. I'll go to that ashram, I'll feel better there.' You'll feel better for one or two days. After a few days, you'll feel the same in that ashram. And from there you'll go somewhere else and feel the same thing. It is all in your mind! How can you escape from your mind going about here and there? Your mind goes on comparing. It talks about this and that. This is high, that is low, this is nice and that isn't nice. It's an old, stupid habit of the mind. So dissolve. 

Tvanev sharanam gachha sarva-bhavena bharata. In all types of feelings, take refuge in that One alone - all feelings, not just one feeling (love), whatever feeling comes! Surrender all feelings, all states of mind, all type of situations, to that One, because only the One is. Layam vraja. There is nothing you have to give up. Drop even this idea of giving up. You don't possess anything in the first place. So just dissolve; relax. 

He only had to hear the word 'dissolve' and Janaka had already dissolved.


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