If one can see beyond appearances, he will get firmly established in the reality and the Divinity. He will realize the truth, that it is the hollow-empty Divinity speaking through the body. This realization will be enough. He will not wander here and there.
🌿Chapter - 18🌿
~ Be Happy And Dispassionate ~
🌱 Day - 99 🌱
नाना मतं महर्षीणां साधूनां योगिनां तथा ।
दृष्ट्वा निर्वेदमापन्नः को न शाम्यति मानवः ॥
कृत्वा मूर्तिपरिज्ञानं चैतन्यस्य न किं गुरूः ।
निर्वेदसमतायुक्तया यस्तारयति संसृतेः ॥
पश्य भूतविकारांस्त्वं भूतमात्रान् यथार्थतः ।
तत्क्षणाद्बन्धनिर्मुक्तः स्वरूपस्थो भविष्यसि ॥
वासना एव संसार इति सर्वा विमुञ्ज ताः ।
तत्त्यागो वासनात्यागात् स्थितिरद्य यथा तथा ॥
Ashtavakra says that the joy is in the Self. So where are you running? What are you running behind in this world? The essence of the world is Divine. He arrested the mind from being distracted by other things. But, in the name of spiritual practices, one can still go from here to there. The way they say is different, but the substance is same. Maharishis, yogis and saints, have different opinions. This can become an excuse for the mind to still go on existing, and to jump from one thing to another; from one guru to another guru; from one saint to another saint. When you hear about a saint, you think you should go and see him. The mind is on the same trip again. The ways and methods of the saints are different, but what they say is the same. It is the same Divinity in different bodies. People go from one person to another, being caught up by the outer. They do not perceive reality - the truth - as it is. They see the outer i.e. the body and the behaviour, the methods, and words. They don't look beyond. They don't see the hollow-empty. It is no better than going from this thing to that thing. The jumping nature of the mind still continues. So Ashtavakra said that every saint preaches in a different manner. Their ways are different. Their words are different. Their methods are different. Everybody is different. No two enlightened people have said the same thing on the path. Although they have said the same thing, it is not said in the same way. This craving for more in the field of spirituality and collection of spiritual data by going to this saint or that saint can become a hindrance.
Ashtavakra says that if one can see beyond appearances, he will get firmly established in the reality and the Divinity. He will realize the truth, that it is the hollow-empty Divinity speaking through the body. This realization will be enough. He will not wander here and there.
Arjuna's mind was like monkey mind - jumping to this to that. Mam ekam sharanam vraja. So Krishna said to Arjuna : 'Surrender only to me. If you have surrendered to me, you have already surrendered to everybody. It is finished.' You sit here and think of somebody else somewhere. Then, you go to another Ashram and sit there thinking of someone else. This is what happens. The mind jumps; it compares. Mam ekam sharanam vraja. So, arrest this jumping tendency of the mind. Get focused. Don't be affected by different sayings, ideas, opinions, methods, ways of various maharishi, saints and yogi. It can put you off the track and destroy your confidence. Your consciousness is shaken, and you doubt your practices. दृष्ट्वा निर्वेदमापन्नः को न शाम्यति मानवः । Knowing that it is unknowable, it is the inexpressible that is here in the form of a particular maharishi, Guri, yogi or saint, that it remains inexpressible though it is said in many ways, firmly established one in one's Self.