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I am the cause of it! If I am the cause of your emotions then I also experience them! That is in the right perspective of this non-doership. You are able to witness it. Then the mind does not go on chewing the questions.


                🌿Chapter - 16🌿
          ~ Three Types Of Purity ~

                   🌱 Day - 87 🌱


Asangoham, asangoham.

The sangha, the identification - becoming one with the feeling, is the cause of the turbulence or turmoil. It is the impurity. If sand and rice are mixed, the mixture is impure. When things are separate, it is pure sand, or pure rice. Everything is separate and in their places. That is purity.

Now, you and the emotions which bubble up - what are these emotions? They all change. Separate yourself from them. First, purity of emotion but then emotions still rise. Anger, greed and jealousy arise. Different feelings about different people arise and move away. Just like a line on the surface of water. How long does it stay, a few seconds? Any emotion is healthy if it stays only that long. I don't say we shouldn't get angry.

Jesus got angry! He threw the moneylenders out of the temple. Krishna got angry once and said that He was going to fight. He promised He would never take up any weapon in the war, but He waited and waited and nothing happened. So, He said that He was going to take up this Sudarshan chakra. He took it up and struck.

Anger in itself is not bad. Shiva got angry. He opened his third eye and just burst everything. Manmatha. But if the anger is in your mind chewing and chewing, then it is like cancer and will eat you away.

Purity of emotion is essential for yourself and for the sake of everybody else. That is the reason of tapas - meaning to cook or to be in austerity. You are cooked and cooked, well cooked. You are thoroughly cooked by your own emotions. You get into a state where nothing can really shake you. You can't say, ' Oh, you also do it for me.' When your experience comes, you feel as though you are experiencing this. But when 'the doing' comes you think that God is doing it for you. You may pray to God to do something for you. But when it happens then you say that you are experiencing the result. How can this be?

Someone came to me the other day and asked why something bad had happened to them. They asked me why I was doing it to them. That they are feeling miserable. I asked who was feeling miserable. Wasn't it 'I' who was feeling miserable there? I was doing something and how could they be feeling miserable? I was asked why such-and-such a person said something to somebody. Wasn't I in control of everything? I replied that I was in control of the whole universe, no doubt. And I was in control of all the experiences. At that moment I was experiencing and enjoying those things, too.

With the feeling of surrender, it's very easy. We get into this sort of idea, where we take partial responsibility and leave out the rest. I tell you, either take total responsibility or drop the whole thing. Don't be partial. Don't be in-between the two. This is observing the emotions. If these feelings come, let it be experienced. Observe the intensity of the feelings and emotions. Offer them and surrender them saying that those emotions are not yours and that you offer them. You see the cause of emotion to be me, but you see the one who experiences the emotions to be yourself. You feel that you are experiencing the emotion, but I am the cause of it! If I am the cause of your emotions then I also experience them! That is in the right perspective of this non-doership. You are able to witness it. Then the mind does not go on chewing the questions.


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