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Gurudev, What to do to stop being demanding in relationships? It does come and go but I feel like coming out of such a tendency. Where does such a tendency arise from?

Questions - Gurudev, What to do to stop being demanding in relationships? It does come and go but I feel like coming out of such a tendency. Where does such a tendency arise from?

Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar Ji - Just wonder about it. When you get attention it gives you some energy and you feel elevated. When you are so centered within, then it doesn’t matter whether people’s attention is there or not, you don’t care about it. Meditation and Spiritual Wisdom can help you get centered in Life.

But normally people’s attention somehow makes you feel little better. That’s why people do so many things just to draw attention from others.

Don’t worry about where this tendency arises from. If it is arising and you have watched it, then just let go and move on.


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