GURU STORIES | This is evidence that the Divine loves each one of us and takes away our pain even without our asking.
I had terrible and excruciating lower back pain while in the US. I had no clue how or why that developed. X-rays, ultra scans revealed nothing.
But the cramps were so horrible that I was almost unable to even turn from one side to the other on the bed, especially in the nights.
Allopathic medicines to cure or mitigate the symptoms were of little help. I had also sought help from alternative cure therapies in the US like Reconnective therapy that works on the subtle aura of your body.
The pain used to mitigate for awhile but come back again. Then when I was in India I had sought panchakarma treatment. After a few sittings it seemed to get better but only for 3 months or so.
Then it so happened that there was an invite for all AOL volunteers to go to Bangalore and I had also gone along with other volunteers. After couple days of orientation and programs, we were all waiting for Gurudev's blessings.
I was just eagerly waiting for the gentle tap of Guruji on my head with a rose. But then that did not happen and he moved on after a brief glance at me.
Later I learnt that He would avoid physical contact when you are going through your menstrual cycle, anyways I wonder to this day how He knew about it.
Then to my surprise after walking past me, two steps forward, He then stepped back again and apparently stared at me for about two seconds and then moved on continuing to bless the others. But that did it, that two seconds of glancing at me was enough to cure my ailment, that day for forever.
It never ever came back until this day, a good five or more years now it has been and not a single day had I ever experienced that pain again. A pain that I had suffered from for almost three or so years.
And the best part of this Gurudev's miracle also lies in the fact that I neither asked for the cure nor had I the faintest idea that, that blessing and glance of His for those two seconds is going to be my "miracle cure".
This is evidence that the Divine loves each one of us and takes away our pain even without our asking.
- Srila