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Enlightened people are many, but those who are in the world and can be like a Buddha or Krishna are very few


                🌿Chapter - 16🌿
          ~ Three Types Of Purity ~

                   🌱 Day - 86 🌱


- Purity of feelings. You wonder sometimes why people went to stay in the forests or other lonely places. There must have been some reason, otherwise so many people would not have gone into seclusion. The idea behind it is that when everyone sits in sangha, satsang, or in a group, and one person is not feeling good, that feelings spread in the atmosphere and stays for a couple of minutes. Sometimes for half an hour, sometimes even for one or two hours. One person's agitation and negativity remains all over. If the person observes the negativity it immediately gets transformed. But if the person doesn't observe it and nourishes and chews on that negativity, then what happens? He adds fuel to it. And it spreads in the atmosphere and everybody starts feeling it.

One person in the group is causing this problem. And if the same thing happens with four or five people, the effect of the entire group [sangha] is lost. So, there was a rule - before entering into the sangha, before coming into community or group, one had to discipline oneself.

It is okay when you come into the presence of the Guru. He makes it all well. He washes off your dirt. But how long can he go on washing like that? Every time you collect and bring in more and more and more. Then you get so used to it. So, many people don't want to accept just anybody as students or disciples, because looking after their minds is another headache. And if they are not disciplined, it is like horses drawing a chariot and going in many directions!. A Guru is in so much trouble trying to pull them all and make everybody happy. It is a big job to handle one mind, but handling so many minds at a time is nearly impossible! That is why they are named mahavir or brave ones. 

Enlightened people are many, but those who are in the world and can be like a Buddha or Krishna are very few. A Master is much more because it is phenomenon that happens. He is so brave, he does not fear nor is shaken by so many waves of negativity which come from all corners.

Did you know why Shiva is called Neelkantha? It happened when the positive and negative forces started churning the mind. Poison flowed out first. Everyone was afraid. All present there were Divine but everyone was afraid of the poison. Who would want it? When it came to Shiva, he just took the poison and drank it. When he drank it, it stayed in his neck, and it turned blue, and he was called Neelkantha. He became even more beautiful.

It also has another significance. If your criticism of other people is just from the throat, it is fine. If it goes a little beyond, deeper, it is poisonous. You can't just be goody-goody to people, and always compliment them saying, with a hypocritical smile, that they are wonderful and very nice. This is hypocrisy. You are not helping the other person grow. You are not authentic in your comments. You have to point out if somebody does wrong. You can say that it is not the right way and suggest the correct way. So, it is fine if it comes from the throat. But the whole thing gets messed up if it comes from the heart, from your feelings.

Comment or criticize from the throat and not deeper than that. Not having the force of feeling behind it makes all the difference. If you look back in history, all the enlightened masters have criticized something or the other. They have criticized but this criticism is not with any ill feeling. It is very constructive.

So, purity of speech and purity of feelings or emotions!


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