Do you know what we all do? We all wait for a time in the future when our mind will be very calm. Do you know this? You have the hope that someday in the future you will never get disturbed. You will become so strong and soild, so peaceful and blissful.
🌿Chapter - 17🌿
~ Honouring The Secret ~
🌱 Day - 93 🌱
अष्टावक्र उवाच
कृताकृते च द्वन्द्वानि कदा शान्तानि कस्य वा ।
एवं ज्ञात्वेह निर्वेदाद्भव त्यागपरोऽव्रती ॥
कस्यापि तात धन्यस्य लोकचेष्टावलोकनात् ।
जीवितेच्छा बुभुक्षा च बुभुत्सोपशमं गताः ॥
अनित्यं सर्वभेवेदं तापत्रितयदूषितम् ।
असारं निन्दितं हेयमिति निश्चित्य शाम्यति ॥
कोऽसौ कालो वयः किं वा यत्र द्वन्द्वानि नो नृणाम ।
तान्युपेक्ष्य यथा प्राप्तवर्ती सिद्धिमवाप्नुयात् ॥
कृताकृते च द्वन्द्वानि कदा शान्तानि कस्य वा । Ashtavakra asks a question. Do you know what we all do? We all wait for a time in the future when our mind will be very calm. Do you know this? You have the hope that someday in the future you will never get disturbed. You will become so strong and soild, so peaceful and blissful. When will that be? Someday in the coming future, and you don't know when it is. You wait for it, maybe next month or in two or three years. And you go to astrologers who tell you that in two or three years you will get Brhama Consciousness and will be liberated. Some people are even scared of it. They feel that they should make all the mistakes that they want to right away. Maybe, afterwards they may not be able to. So we have the permission to do whatever we want to do. Anyway, Brhama Consciousness is guaranteed. Or some of you will think that you have done it all these years and have still got nowhere! Suddenly all the calmness in you is disturbed. You are thrown off gear. You wonder what has happened! All the years of sadhana and still you are nowhere! You have not made any progress. You wonder if you will make it in this lifetime? If not, how many lifetimes it will take.
All these self-doubts come. The self-doubt is followed by doubt about techniques; about your path. And when these two doubts come, a third one also follows. You wonder if you are with the right teacher. Doubt about the teacher follows the first two. And these three doubts drown you. It doesn't matter where you are. You'll be drowned wherever you are. These are the things which make a hole in the boat and it doesn't matter which boat you are in. Whichever boat you are in, once a hole is made, water comes through it and you are drowned, for sure! Krishna says, 'Sanshaytma vinnashyati. Neither this nor that, for one who is steeped in doubts, is going to perish. The boat is going to sink.'