Body is just the 'transactional instrument' in this world. .Bulb is gone, still electricity is there. Similarly, atma is be there even if body is not there.
.Body is just the 'transactional instrument' in this world.
.Bulb is gone, still electricity is there. Similarly, atma is be there even if body is not there.
.Atma is nittya( eternal), Satya ( Exists independently), All pervading, aprameya ( Atma is the experiencer and not the object of experience ), Akarta and Abhokta, Nirvikar ( Free from 6 modifications ).
.Ego ( Individual Consciousness ) wants the karmafal. There is no Abhiman when knowledge doesn't stay intellectual but gets into the heart.
.Karmayog is for Dhyanyog. To understand dnyanyog, karmayog is needed. Karmayog is not for liberation but it's to improve your eligibility to seek knowledge.
.When more people are benefitted from your action, that is satvik action.
When person thinks only about himself, it's Rajasik action.
When person seeks benefit at the cost of someone else, it's Tamasik action.
When all actions are done as offering to God, there is joyfulness and no expectation of karmafal.
.Knowledge has to be converted into emotional strength.
Stitpragya is the one whose desires are controlled. Karmafal is not botheration. He is always contented and steady.
There are no binding desires. Attitude is not ' Something should be like this' but it's 'Something could be like this' .