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Ashtavakra says that you become established, not in so many lifetimes, but right now, at this very moment. The world has ceased to exist for you in that limitation. Your world has expanded and become bigger. This is very beautiful and could be used as a technique.


                🌿Chapter - 18🌿
   ~ Be Happy And Dispassionate ~

                  🌱 Day - 105 🌱


वासना एव संसार इति सर्वा विमुञ्ज ताः ।
तत्त्यागो वासनात्यागात् स्थितिरद्य यथा तथा ॥

Drop these impressions of the past experiences with different people. They may have been wonderful. They may have seemed to be your soulmate for so many lifetimes! You may never felt like that with anybody else before. When you talk of your soulmates, you talk in terms of lifetimes; not today! The mind goes on empty talk. It's the vasana (your expectations) that propel you. There is no weight behind them. Even when you tell somebody you love them, make sure that you are not saying out of your vasana, your own impressions, your own cravings for some joy. You say that you love somebody. But do you really love the person? Is it coming from your space of love, or out of your craving? You will wonder. You will see that it's all because of the vasana, the impressions in you.

True love will not bring sadness, sorrow, misery, or problems. But with vasana a tail is always attached i.e. pain, problems, misery, and discomfort. When you drop the vasana (all these past impressions) from your mind, you become free right away. Ashtavakra says that you become established, not in so many lifetimes, but right now, at this very moment. The world has ceased to exist for you in that limitation. Your world has expanded and become bigger. This is very beautiful and could be used as a technique.

Many people always have the problem of relationship. When you feel you are stuck with somebody, observe Nature. What are the stones and trees? When you drive, see how vast this land is. When you go out see bigger, go further and further. So many people have come and gone here. The same consciousness has taken form in many bodies, and they have all died. This world is a burial ground. Everybody has died here. They have come and gone. And you are going to go. You are going to go alone. At that moment, your mind will relax and open up. All the misery will drop. Just observe the Nature. Nothing is permanent here. Somebody is very beautiful (some boy or girl) and they have been very good and loving to you. So what! They will not be here in another fifty or two hundred years. Where will they be? They are going to be ashes in fifty years or hundred years! They are ashes right now! Then, you will be at peace. Get free from vasana. The Being is immortal; the consciousness is immortal; the Guru is immortal; the rishi, the maharishi is immortal. And so, you are also immortal and eternal. Expand your world, and your shrunken vasana will drop away. The world is so big. Have more experiences. Be open to new experiences.

Some masters in the past would do this in their ashrams. They pushed the unpushed buttons. They would do the opposite of what was liked. And it had to be liked. If a person liked silence, he would be put in a noisy place. If he liked cleanliness, he would be put in a dirty place. If he was dirty, he would be punished and asked to wash ten times a day. If he loved order, he would be given a chaotic situation. If he was chaotic by nature, he would be disciplined to be orderly. Actually we have been very mild in pushing buttons. We are just touching them, not pushing them. Those masters were not crazy. This was done for a person's good; to pull his small shrunken mind out of the small pocket of limited experiences it had got into.

How big is the balloon actually? It is shrunk to a small rubber piece that needs to be blown up to see how big it is. तत्त्यागो वासनात्यागात् स्थितिरद्य यथा तथा ।


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