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ASHTAVAKRA GITA | Wonder awakens you, and makes you aware of what is happening.' At those moments when you forget your infinite being,


                🌿Chapter - 12🌿
        ~ The Nature Of The Mind ~

                   🌱 Day - 63 🌱


श्रुत्वापि शुद्धचैतन्यमात्मानमतिसुन्दरम् ।
उपस्थेऽत्यन्तसंसक्तो मालिन्यमधिगच्छति ॥
सर्वभूतेषु चात्मानं सर्वभूतानि चात्मनि ।
मुनेर्जानत आश्चर्यं ममत्वमनुवर्तते ॥
आस्थितः परमाद्वैैतं मोक्षार्थेऽपि व्यवस्थितः ।
आश्चर्यं कामवशगो विकलः केलिशिक्षया ॥
उद्भूतं ज्ञानदुर्मित्रमवधार्यातिदुर्बलः ।
आश्चर्यं काममाकाङ्क्षेत् कालमन्तमनुश्रितः ॥
इहामुत्र विरक्तस्य नित्यानित्यविवेकिनः ।
अाश्चर्यं मोक्षकामस्य मोक्षादेव विभीषिका ॥

Ashtavakra mentions four points : sex, the feeling of 'mine-ness', desires and fear. Number one : sex. This body came into existence through sex. Sex is the oldest and most basic impression in this body. Animalistic sex is the lowest form of sex. Even in sex there is a gradation; there is growth. He says, 'It is so surprising how one could be interested in the genital organ and get into more unconsciousness?' He says this is a wonder! The consciousness and the mental make-up of people who look at pornography and all those things, or even teenagers, is very immature. It's on level of animals - bounded by the body. This is the basic sex - body sex.

But then for more mature people (a little grown-up), sex is not so much with the organs of the body, but with feelings and vibrations. It is more on the mind and mental level. The focus is not on the genital organ. The lowest form of sex is only focused on the genital organs, nothing else is visible. One doesn't care who the person is. All their attention is on the piece of flesh. Like the eagle that flies so high in the sky with its sight always on the piece of flesh on the ground. This is obsession. You'll find these people in bars. Most of the people remain stuck in this adolescent sex. 

But a little more mature than that, is mental sex. Mental means it is the person who matters more. One craves companionship. The sense of touch is choosy. It's not just the body; the mind is involved. The mind has some concepts that go with sex.

And the third and final avenue of sex is sex of the soul or union of the soul. When the soul longs, that longing is mature - a refined form is sex i.e. uniting with the wholeness, with the eternity. Sex is permeating throughout your life; permeating the entire creation in one way or the other. Even for a tree to bear fruit, for pollination. Everything is born out of sex: the animals, insects and birds. And the supreme form of sex is the uniting of the mind, soul and the being inside. We call it love or leading to Divine love. Despite knowing that unconscious results in the lowest form of sex, and that it still exists in this universe. This is a wonder! So, Ashtavakra says, 'Wonder about it. If such a thought existed in your mind, don't feel, why it came up. Rather just look at it and wonder. You rise up and a transformation takes place in you. Do not fight it. Do not resist in your mind. Rather, be aware; wake up. Wonder awakens you, and makes you aware of what is happening.' At those moments when you forget your infinite being, limited desires arise in you. Immediately, wonder about these desires that are arising and you already out of them. It is so beautiful. This needs a lot of understanding.


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