ASHTAVAKRA GITA | Where is the problem? When you see this life as the Divine, problems disappear from your eyes
🌿Chapter - 7🌿
~ Everything Is God ~
🌱 Day - 38 🌱
यथा न तोयतो भिन्नास्तरङ्गाः फेनबुद्बुदाः ।
आत्मनो न तथा भिन्नं विश्वमात्मविनिर्गतम् ॥
Threads make up a cloth. If you seperate the thread, where is cloth? It's all just thread. Just look at cloth. You don't see it as thread. You see it as cloth. But if you take the threads one-by-one, you will see them only as threads. In the same way, you've made a world within your world with differences of opinions, concepts, emotions, feelings about the way things should be; about the way things should not be. These concepts are all woven in that one substance, consciousness. Your mind is jammed together; woven into knots. That knotted mind is angry, frustrated and dejected; not a well ironed mind. This place is a laundry where we wash and iron the mind, removing all the creases. All the creases are removed, and the same mind is God. If someone says they are very bad, they are not-they are only creased. All the creases or stains and only worth smiling or laughing at, because there is no problem. Where is the problem? When you see this life as the Divine, problems disappear from your eyes. Can you expect to wear a cloth that never gets creased. Only showcase dolls or models in the window can have such skirts or trousers with no creases. They remain and stay like that. But if they get creased, you can always iron and staighten them out.
It is the same when problems or conflicts arise in the mind, in the situation or circumstance. So what! Nothing will happen to you from those things; moving waves come and go. With your skilful intelligence, look at the Divine, the play. Then the whole life is a game, a play, so charming and colourful. In reality, there is no need of compassion. People say that Buddha must have been very compassionate. It's not compassion, it's just fun! What is there to be compassionate about-somebody suffering? What is the suffering? What will happen? It gives maturity to their mind. You can't let go people who are not friendly to you. If someone is not friendly to you, you can't let go. You can't even let go of them! The mind goes on like that.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji