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ASHTAVAKRA GITA | Where am I? Where are you? There is no "I" and "you", nothing! There is only nothingness and "nobody-ness" all over! I bow down to this "I". I bow down to this big "I"


                 🌿Chapter - 8🌿
"Without Conflict Rejoice In The Self"

                   🌱 Day - 44 🌱


अहो अहं नमो मह्यं विनाशो यस्य नास्ति मे ।
ब्रम्हादिस्तम्बपर्यन्तं जगन्नाशेऽपि तिष्ठतः ॥
अहो अहं नमो मह्यमेकोऽहं देहवानपि ।
क्वचिन्न गन्ता नागन्ता व्याप्य विश्वमवस्थितः ॥

Again he said, "I bow down to my Self. This Self in me, this space in me, this being in me, is indestructible. Even though this whole universe may change, stones may change over a period of time, but I am indestructible. There is nothing outside me." अहो अहं नमो मह्यं । He bowed down and went on with this for some time. It was such a strong realization at the feet of Ashtavakra that he couldn't only say it once and keep quiet! 'This hollow and empty is what I see in front of me, at my side, above me, below me, all around me. And only that exists. Where am I? Where are you? There is no "I" and "you", nothing! There is only nothingness and "nobody-ness" all over! I bow down to this "I". I bow down to this big "I". He repeated this again and again. नमो मह्यं, नमो मह्यं । This is the pinnacle of devotion, the pinnacle of love. Love can not tolerate any distance. Even the slightest distance is irritating in love. Irritation and restlessness begin with the slightest distance. Love wants to merge and dissolve into one another. But when it realizes there is no effort in dissolving, it is already one then even that slightest restlessness dissolves and conflictless joy arises. अहो अहं नमो मह्यं । It is so beautiful!

You are bothered about the little mind. You are bothered about all these little things, and think that is all you are. You are bothered about what you think are imperfections in you and brood over them. Can't you see the biggest sun deep inside you? It's like a glass window that has dust on it. Your sight is captured by those dust particles. The sun is shining so brightly - even through the dust particles - but we are unable to se the sun, because we are stuck with a little dust in the corners of the glass window. Take your sight off the imperfections, and look at the bright sunshine. Perfect unity begins.


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