ASHTAVAKRA GITA | What is the difference between wonder and curiosity? Curiosity is the beginning of the mind. Wonder is the end of the mind.
🌿Chapter - 13🌿
~ Fear Is Like Salt ~
🌱 Day - 68 🌱
मायामात्रमिदं विश्वं पश्यन् विगतकौतुकः ।
अपि सन्निहिते मृत्यौ कथं त्रस्यति धीरधीः ॥
निःस्पृहं मानसं यस्य नैराश्येऽपि महात्मनः ।
तस्यात्मज्ञानतृप्तस्य तुलना केन जायते ।
स्वभावादेव जानानो दृश्यमेतन्न किंचन ।
इदं ग्राह्यमिदं त्याज्यं स किं पश्यति धीरधीः ॥
अन्तस्त्यक्तकषायस्य निर्द्वन्द्वस्य निराशिषः ।
यदृच्छयागतो भोगो न दुःखाय न तुष्टये ॥
What is the difference between wonder and curiosity? Curiosity is the beginning of the mind. Wonder is the end of the mind. The beginning of intellect is curiosity. Children start being curious once they start recognizing things. They ask so many questions. 'Daddy, Daddy, what is this? Daddy where did the butterfly go? Daddy, what does the flower do, and how did it come?' 'Where do the clouds go?' So many questions! They are curious about everything. If you answer them, they will have more questions! Sometimes parents get fed up and tell them to be quiet. Children are more curious between the ages of three and six. They are curious about everything. But, then the curiosity moves on in life. They grow a little older and they get curious about other things. At the adolescent age, they get curious about particular things. And then after a certain age, the curiosity stops. Inertia takes over, and people become dull and dejected. They are not interested in anything. Disinterest in life and the world takes over as the curiosity ends.
Curiosity is the mother of science. Wonder is the mother of spirituality. The first step in science is being curious. Curiosity works through the mind. Wonder is an expression: 'Ha! Aho!' It is something that rises from the heart. And, if you do some courses or spiritual exercises just out of curiosity you will get nowhere. You won't get anything. People do course after course, just out of curiosity - to see what happens. Somehow they do the Kriya and are completely gone! Suddenly, they experience something more than just the mind being curious. If you are curious, you had better wait. As time goes on, curiosity dies. If you are curious about something, wait, it dies out after some time. It can't stand the rest of the time. And after a while, you take for granted whatever you were curious about. Even a miracle! At first every miracle appears to be just that. But, after some time one takes for granted even a miracle. And then that is it! One is not curious any more. You can be curious about how a flower grew from a seed or how the leaves have a colour pattern - a coffee color with green, and tu stripes. This is a wonder.