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ASHTAVAKRA GITA | Skillfully see and smile. Rise above the dualities, the opposites. See this whole world as bubbles rising in water


                 🌿Chapter - 7🌿
             ~ Everything Is God ~

                   🌱 Day - 37 🌱


अहो निरंजनः शान्तो ।
See it both the ways. When you become very peaceful and quiet, you perceive the existence. 'Oh,this is my nature,my true Self. All I was doing, the chit-chatting, getting agitated, yelling and shouting is not me.' Many of you have felt and experienced this. You lost your temper, you shouted and yelled, and later on said that it was unlike you. "That's not me. It just happened. I don't know why it happened." You'll find restlessness is foreign to your nature. And this is the reality. It is truth. When you have even once experienced the quietness of the inner Self, you will see the rest is not you. Here,the skill is needed. Onve you see this isn't you, don't try to fight with it or resist it. Skillfully smile at it, and you will see that it comes and passes away. Otherwise, whatever you resist will persist. You get angry and afterwards when you become quiet and calm, you tell yourself you shouldn't have gotten angry. You get angry and, because of being angry, you get angry at yourself. This chain continues and then you regret. Anger and regret.

Skillfully see and smile. Rise above the dualities, the opposites. See this whole world as bubbles rising in water. See the people as bubbles in the surface of the Brhama, of the Infinity. It's one bubble, another bubble....तरङ्गाः फेनबुद्बुदाः You know water bubbles up? Like that, everybody is rising, having their own games and playing, and dissolving back into the Infinite. It is the same in your own life. Your mind is a bubble on the surface on the Brhama, Infinity. See how many changes happen in your mind during the course of the day. How many changes are happening in you? Just sit, and think about one person for one whole day. You will see all types of emotion come and go. Anger comes, frustration comes, dejection comes, doubt comes...You like them and dislike them, you like them, you dislike them. You are on a swing. You feel all this is nothing, and would like to run away. All these bubbles rise and fall in your mind. Your mind is such a wave of bubble in the Self.

Look at your moods! They are bubbles in the surface of your mind. It's of no secret that a mood remains not more than two-and-a-quarter days, pleasant or unpleasant. You know, many times when people meet their very dear ones, whom they love very much, they are in a joyous mood. And they find themselves changing within two-and-a-quarter day! Their mind is changing. They don't understand what is happening! The mind is also like that. And it doesn't stay firm. Some other mood comes and it leaves. And other moods come, and they also do not stay. The joke here is, you cannot hold onto pleasant moments; they come and go. But unpleasant things come, and you go on chewing on them. This is an old habit we have - hanging or clinging to unpleasant memories more than pleasant memories. This happens. This is why Janaka says a skill is needed. 'I understand. This is very simple. If you have a thorn in your foot, you need skill to remove it. If you go on rubbing the thorn, it will go much deeper inside. You have to skillfully remove it.

Don't think skill is only needed in the outside world; it is also needed in handling your own Self. You need skilful manner to even experience your own blissful and transcendental nature. People ask why if meditation is so simple and very natural to us, can everybody not meditate without a mantra, without anything, just sit with their eyes closed. People should be able to meditate. It doesn't happen because one has not learned the skill to quieten the mind, and go deep inside oneself. कुतश्चित् कौशलादेव परमात्मा विलोक्यते । Though it is so simple, some skill is needed. He hasn't mentioned what the skill is. He talks of some definite skill. With skill, you can see all is love, all is Divinity. When you see someone getting angry or frustrated, you can either see the love behind their anger and frustration, or only see their outer projection. Why does someone get angry? Because they loved something, and it didn't happen. Why does someone get frustrated? Because they loved something very much and it isn't coming into their hands. Why does someone do service? There's love behind that service. Why does someone sing? Because they experience a wonderful feeling of love. There's love behind every action and every emotion, positive or negative. That's why I say love is not an emotion. I say it is something basic to life. It is something from which your life is made up of. So you can never lose it, but you need some skill to know it, experience it, and make it blossom in life.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji


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