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ASHTAVAKRA GITA | The liveliness arises from that emptiness. Wait and go deep into that emptiness. Agree to be with it. Dissolve into it. Dive into it. You'll find that very emptiness is full of life.


                 🌿Chapter - 9🌿
         ~ Ego Dissolves In Love ~

                   🌱 Day - 50 🌱


सशरीरमिदं विश्वं न किंचिदिति निश्चितम् ।
शुद्धचिन्मात्र आत्मा च तत्कस्मिन् कल्पनाधुना ॥

Such a beautiful realization dawns! There is nothing in this world, including this body. When people are frustrated, they say, 'Oh, there is nothing in the world. There is dejection. There is nothing - nowhere to go. Everything is false. There is nothing I can hold onto; nothing I can love. All is empty. The whole world is empty, there is nothing anywhere.'

A dejected, frustrated mind also feels that way. In an utter state of despair, it says, 'There is nothing, so where do I go? The mind is tired of going anywhere.'

Janaka was talking about the same state, but with a difference. शुद्धचिन्मात्र आत्मा च तत्कस्मिन् कल्पनाधुना । It's not the emptiness of dejection. It is the emptiness of fullness. It is an emptiness filled with love, filled with consciousness; with life. What appears to be different - different things - are nothing. So that emptiness is alive. It is not a dead emptiness, but a very lively fullness or emptiness. Lively emptiness is intoxicating. People tell me, 'I feel so empty. Everything is empty. When I was away, I was longing and craving to come to India, to the ashram. And when I am here, I feel this is all empty. You are so easily available, I can walk directly into your kutir (room) anytime I want. I don't need to make any effort. You are always available. So even that craving is finished. I feel so empty. What do I do?' I tell them to stay with that emptiness. This atma, this Self of mine, is pure consciousness, pure liveliness. There is nothing inert or dead here. Everything is alive. The liveliness arises from that emptiness. Wait and go deep into that emptiness. Agree to be with it. Dissolve into it. Dive into it. You'll find that very emptiness is full of life.


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