ASHTAVAKRA GITA | In meditation, samadhi - one experiences the feeling of changelessness, the transcendental experience.
🌿Chapter - 6🌿
~ Fountain Of Joy ~
🌱 Day - 31 🌱
This universe is very dynamic. Nothing is static here. What appears to be static is an apparent illusion. Everything is dynamic. Everything is moving, growing and changing constantly. But we don't see it that way. When someone meets you after some time, he tells you that you have gotten fat or become thin. Otherwise, you look at your clothes and notice that the pants (or shirts) have become loose, tight or whatever. Change is always visible with a reference. You need something as a reference. It is because of the reference point you are able to perceive the change. So when we see everything is changing then there must be something that is not changing. Otherwise, how can you see the change? What is that something that doesn't change in you? You can't see it, but can feel it. You have an idea, a sense, that there is something that is not changing. What happens when you have a firm footing in that non-changing something? You become Nihsangaha. You withdraw yourself from the changes and have one foot in the non-changing. It is already there; you are just waking up and looking at it. This non-changing something is also a witness to all actions. It's not acting. What is its nature? This is what Ashtavakra explains to Janaka -
निःसङ्गो निष्क्रियोऽसि त्वं स्वप्रकाशो निरंजनः ।
अयमेव हि ते बन्धः समाधिमनुतिष्ठसि ॥
त्वया व्याप्तमिदं विश्वं त्वयि प्रोतं यथार्थतः ।
शुद्धबुद्धस्वरूपस्त्वं मा गमः क्षुद्रचित्तताम् ॥
निरपेक्षो निर्विकारो निर्भरः शीतलाशयः ।
अगाधबुद्धिरक्षुब्धो भव चिन्मात्रवासनः ॥
This is very beautifully said. Something which is not changing is present everywhere. You can experience that something in your body or deep inside you, what you call 'I' is not changing. Everything else is changing. Thoughts are changing, ideas are changing, emotions are changing, feelings are coming and going. The body has undergone tremendous change. The body changes so fast. Every minute new cells are being born, and old cells are dying out. Our blood is changing. All the fluids in the body change within twenty four to forty eight hours. Flesh, skin and bone all change within two or three hours or weeks. Within three months the bone marrow changes. The entire body, which appears to be solid, is not solid! It is changing. Then, that non-changing reference which we vaguely feel somewhere, becomes more and more clear. Once it becomes clear within us, then it becomes clear all over. The same thing is present all over; everywhere underlying the creation. So in meditation, samadhi - one experiences the feeling of changelessness, the transcendental experience.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji