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ASHTAVAKRA GITA | I see God the moment I drop the world and this body


                 🌿Chapter - 8🌿
"Without Conflict Rejoice In The Self"

                   🌱 Day - 41 🌱


Janaka had started speaking. He said, 'I see God the moment I drop the world and this body'. This has been interpreted by people in various ways, all around the world, at all times. People have said : 'You will reach the abode of God when you drop this body.' Or, 'When you die and go to heaven or hell, there will be a doomsday, and you will be asked at a court-martial what you did right and wrong, and you will be punished and rewarded by God.' That is all we understand about God, or about life afterwards.

Mayadhuna. By me now. Parityajya sashariramidam vishwam. Renouncing this world and the body right now, I am with God. We never drop our body; the body drops us. Do you drop the body? This makes a huge difference. Not even a cockroach wants to drop its body. It tries to climb out of the slippery wash basin or sink with water pouring in. The cockroach tries to save itself, it's life, its body. So does everybody in the world. Nobody drops the body. The body gets tired of the person, it drops him. We have done so much injustice to the body, so it gets tired and pushes you out. It says, 'So now, come on, go away.' Are you sensing what I'm saying? The body dropping you, is death, and you dropping the body, is meditation (samadhi). Before this body drops you, you go first and say, ' Okay, I am dropping you, my dear body.' Anyway, someday or another, the body is going to drop you. Be clever and learn to drop the body before that. That is why he said, न कुतश्चित् कौशलादेव परमात्मा विलोक्यते । By some skill, drop this body. By some skill, you will be able to see the Divine which is here, right now.

It's so fortunate to be able to meditate, to be unaware of body for a few minutes consciously. Everybody is unaware of the body almost all the time (at least during sleep), but consciously being unaware of the body. All the scholars who write about it simply go on writing the literal meaning i.e. once you drop the body, then you will see God. But he's saying, not at some other time, but right now! Otherwise he must mean to commit suicide, which he wouldn't, because if he had, he would not be here to continue speaking the Gita. Understand, not you but the Divine exists deep inside you.

प्रकाशो मे निजं रूपं नातिरिक्तोऽस्म्यहं ततः ।
यदा प्रकाशते विश्वं तदाऽहं भास एव हि ॥

You are able to see the world because you exist inside. Though the eyes are there, if you are not inside this body, you cannot see the world. So who perceives this whole universe? Who has the pleasant and unpleasant experiences in the world? Somebody? Somebody or that nobody inside this body? That same nobody that experiences the world, can also experience its 'nobody-ness'. This is a precious ability that a human nervous system is bestowed with. As the mind can experience light outside, taste of everything, smell and objects, it can also experience that one is nobody. I am nothing. It experiences itself. It is so simple. He rules out all of your imaginations e.g. sitting and seeing yourself as a light coming, this or that happening and says that you are nobody.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji


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