🌿Chapter - 7🌿
~ Everything Is God ~
🌱 Day - 40 🌱
Just hankering for knowledge, for unity, for love will not get you that. Thinking that you don't hanker or care for anything, and dropping everything, will also not help. This is what we do. People say they will meditate but are hankering after what they can do. We get more and more restless, because we want to do something to get there, to get closer and closer. How close can you go? You have done whatever you could to get as close as you could go, but you still feel you are not close enough! So you still feel frustrated.
And the other way is when we say that it's impossible. Drop it, run away and go somewhere. There is no need to meditate or do anything. That you did all that and nothing happened. If you hold onto it nothing happens. So you say, 'Better I drop it, nothing happens and nothing matters anyway, so why do anything? What is there to be done?' Sometimes the reminder comes. Somewhere somebody says how fortune we are. The mind immediately agrees, 'Yes, I am very fortunate.' But then what? The struggle goes on. Thats's why he says it needs a skill. You are special. Don't compare yourself with others. This is another thing that your mind can become very unhappy about. You may feel that Guruji speaks to that person, not to you.
Once one of our devotees was very unhappy, thinking, that I had forgotten him. That, I had gotten into so many organizations, with so many people, courses and everything and had completely forgotten him. This person was unable to come to see me because of physical ailments. He had been mentally hankering about this for two to three days, feeling very bad seeing what had happened. So I went to his place and surprised him. I then told them that the cake was well cooked. It had been cooking and cooking for three days. And it so happened that they had completely lost faith, hope and everything. That person broke down in tears and could't say anything. What happened? Faith! Everything became all right again. In a few minutes everything came together: in the Divine, in sadhna, in meditation. Once faith is stronger the body heals by itself. In a few minutes the person became normal. That's why Jesus said, 'Your faith has healed you. I have not done anything, but you faith has healed you.' Your faith that the Divine 'is', the sight of God, that 'is', the consciousness, the Self, does a lot. Remember this. तरङ्गाः फेनबुद्बुदाः . बुद्बुदाः is a real sound the bubble makes. The word bubble must have come from बुदाः! It's even close to Buddha! बुदाः means bubbles in Sanskrit. The people here are like bubbles on the waves. When you realize this, then only will you smile. How can you be unhappy about anything? Life is so short.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji