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ASHTAVAKRA GITA | His nature was peace! Where was he looking for peace? Here and there, doing this and that!


                 🌿Chapter - 6🌿
               ~ Fountain Of Joy ~

                   🌱 Day - 34 🌱


अहो निरंजनः शान्तो बोधोऽहं प्रकृतेः परः ।
एतावन्तमहं कालं मोहेनैव विडम्बितः ॥

Janaka said what a joke it had been! That, he was beyond the qualities, the three Gunas and the nature of his body. That, his body was restless because rajoguna was dominating. That it felt tired and sleepy when tamoguna dominated. And, when he felt very clear and very joyful, sattvaguna was dominating. And that these never stayed constant. They arose and subsided but that he had nothing to do with them. He was seperate from them. He was untouched.

निरंजनः अहो! 

He felt that he had been kept captive by time, and deep inside him he was so peaceful! His nature was peace! Where was he looking for peace? Here and there, doing this and that! अहो निरंजनः शान्तो बोधोऽहं प्रकृतेः परः It was a realization; just a knock, a few words, touch and clear the whole system. The knowledge was right there. Just as in Hollow and Empty. One closes the eyes and sees and exclaims, 'Yes, अहो', recognition. 'Yes!' Do not blame yourself. Live with your foolishness. If you feel you are foolish, then think that the guna, the prakriti is happening. Your practices (sadhna) change the prakriti. Three things change your prakriti: your food, your atmosphere, your association. Without making any fuss about it, be in it. Sattvic food, limited and timely food is good. The body is in the right shape. If too many desires come in your mind, or too much restlessness and agitation then food, atmosphere and association have been the cause. Without a fuss, just observe and do whatever is needful. Forget about it. Relax. अहो निरंजनः शान्तो बोधोऽहं प्रकृतेः परः Some unpleasant feelings comes and you feel that it should not come. By doing that, you are resisting it. When you resist, it persists. Just observe and go deep into it. Dance, stand up and dance. Be intoxicated, move intoxicated.

यथा प्रकाशयाम्येको देहमेनं तथा जगत् ।
अतो मम जगत्सर्वमथवा न च किंचन ॥

Either the whole world is mine or nothing is mine. This was a sudden realization in Janaka. He said that either he was everything or nothing. Not even the body was him. Just as he felt that he was in the body, he was all over this universe too. Just as he could feel his mind in his body, the same mind was all over. That he had become hollow and empty. Wonder came to him. There was the joy of wonder and that is the difference. The Bhagwad Gita happened in a war field-in such a tense atmosphere; in the midst of war, while the two parties on either side prepared to fight. That atmosphere had an effect even on the Gita. But in the Ashtavakra Gita, he did not question again. He was filled with wonder, " अहो! निरंजनः शान्तो ". Have you ever thought, "I am peace, myself?" अहो!
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji


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