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ASHTAVAKRA GITA | God is in the present. So alive! Here, right now, in front of you, behind you, at your sides, above you, below you, inside you, as you.


                 🌿Chapter - 6🌿
               ~ Fountain Of Joy ~

                   🌱 Day - 33 🌱


This is what happened with Janaka. As he heard Ashtavakra, it immediately touched somewhere deep in his heart and he said, 'Yes, this is reality, it's not empty talk! What Ashtavakra is saying I see right here! So an exclamation came from Janaka, 'Aho! Niranjanaha! Oh! I am untouched! I am untarnished! I am ever so pure! Oh!' He said, 'Aho!' He started exclaiming, and jumping out of its seat. 'This is true!' Now no power could shake his faith. No power could shake his knowledge,because it had touched deep inside his heart.

Let the whole world stand on one side and say, that you are not Nitanjanaha; you are not pure. Then one would say, 'Impossible!' Such unshakable faith dawns in you when the words touch your heart. It has happened to a few people at least, in all ages - Jesus, Buddha, Mira or Kabir. There was great opposition to all these people. Many opposed, but a few knew their hearts were open to receive their words. Man finds comfort in the past or the future, and never looks to the present. This has been a very old habit of the human mind. Either it glorifies the past and relishes itself in the memory of the past, or it builds castles in the air for the future - that a messiah will come in the future. A Buddha is going to be born. Maitreya is going to be born sometime. People wait, one hundred years, two thousand years or think that all great men lived in the past! God is in the present. So alive! Here, right now, in front of you, behind you, at your sides, above you, below you, inside you, as you. Janaka was astonished. Till then, he had always heard glory about the past or about future incarnations.

But now Ashtavakra says, 'Aho! Niranjanaha'. He said that he was that untarnished. That level of a devotee or disciple, where there's no conversation or conflict, is rare, very rare. This did not happen in Gita with Krishna and Arjuna. Arjuna asked so many questions. He had so many doubts and questions; he could not be convinced until the end. In the end, Krishna told him to do whatever he wanted, he had told him enough, and he could think on his own if he found it unacceptable! Arjuna was given the knowledge - the whole Gita - as a dear friend. So, there was both love and respect. When there is love without respect, you don't take anything very seriously. When there is only respect, then the nearness is lost. Something wonderful and beautiful is lost. But a devotee, a disciple is a thorough combination of both aspects; respect and love. That is divine love. Arjuna had to be told so many times about all this. In the end, when Krishna told Arjuna that he could do what he wanted, and that he had told him what was good for him, then Arjuna said that he completely believed Him because they were not different from each other. They were one. Krishna's mind and words were clearer than his own. He could foresee the future. He could see the actions. He could guide him in he right direction. Then, Arjuna agreed with Krishna.

But in the case of Janaka, there was no delay. It was an immediate recognition. He said that he was not a sinner; that he was not a useless worm.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji


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