ASHTAVAKRA GITA | Aho! That is what I am!" What is that? "I am hollow and empty; I am nothing and everything
🌿Chapter - 7🌿
~ Everything Is God ~
🌱 Day - 35 🌱
जनक उवाच
अहो निरंजनः शान्तो बोधोऽहं प्रकृतेः परः ।
एतावन्तमहं कालं मोहेनैव विडम्बितः ॥
यथा प्रकाशयाम्येको देहमेनं तथा जगत् ।
अतो मम जगत्सर्वमथवा न च किंचन ॥
सशीरमहो विश्वं परित्यज्य मयाधुना ।
कुतश्चित् कौशलादेव परमात्मा विलोक्यते ॥
यथा न तोयतो भिन्नास्तरङ्गाः फेनबुद्बुदाः ।
अात्मनो न तथा भिन्नं विश्वमात्मविनिर्गतम् ॥
तन्तुमात्रो भवेदेव पटो यद्वद्विचारितः ।
अात्मतन्मात्रमेवेदं तद्वद्विश्वं विचारितम् ॥
When Janaka discovered this he said, 'Oh! This is it. I was mistaken all these days! I have the vision now. This is it!' He immediately discovered that a skill was needed to see this.
Some pictures have a hologram. If you look from one angle, one picture is seen. But if you tilt it slightly, you will see an entirely different picture from another angle. I remember one such picture. In the front you see Gandhi, and from the side you see Nehru, or Vivekananda. If you look from another side, you will see some other picture. This entire universe is made up of God. There is nothing outside God. God, Self or consciousness are the same. Nothing in this universe is beyond, away from or foreign to God; to the Divine, to the Self. It just needs skill to look at it. Everything is God.
Like the bubbles cannot be separated from water, the waves in the ocean cannot be separated from the ocean. They have no identity. They cannot exist. Like that, everything in the universe is within God, within the Self. It just needs sight, a vision, to see that which is not seen (not manifest), or to hang onto what you see as name and form. A name is uttered; something is said and immediately a form comes to mind. In fact, it is the other way around. The form is outside and the name is in the mind. The form does not have the name in it, but the name has the form in it; it is the other way around. When you say flower, the flower has form; immediately a flower is there. The word elephant has the form imbibed in it. But the forms do not have a name. Like that, this whole world is like bubbles in water. People rise up, and they dissolve. Sometimes several waves come and lash at each other, clash with each other, and then they all disappear into the same water. These are all bubbles. See everyone as bubbles, bubbling waves, bubbling water. What will happen to them? They dissolve into space. Where were they before? They were in space. A hundred years ago,you were all in space. In another fifty years, you will all be in space. The world's in-between these forms and names that rise and fall. And the basic substratum of this name and form is Brhama, the Divine, God. Don't search for God here and there. You will never be able to find Him. Know all that 'is', all that will 'be', and all that 'was', is God. The ocean is God. If the wave goes searching for the ocean, will the wave find it? It cannot find it. तरङ्गाः फेनबुद्बुदाः The bubbles - like the waves - are all the names, forms, materials, objects and lives, springing up and dissolving back into that which is unseen.
"Aho! That is what I am!" What is that? "I am hollow and empty; I am nothing and everything." The first step is, "I am hollow and empty and there is nothing in me." And the very second realization is , "I am everything, I am that, I am this, I am all the forms and names." But you act as though you are something else; something other than that. Which is true and which is false? Is your original nature (joy) true, is what you seen to be undergoing right now (acting) true?
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji