An Ayurved Panchkarm Procedure to let out the impurities in the blood.
Raktmokshana is done by 2 procedures
By Jalaukavacharana and by Siravedhana.
It is recommended in many disoreders where there is a need for blood to get purified.
Skin Disorders - Psoriasis, Acne, Lichen Planus and many such skin related issues.
Arthritis - In some kind of Arthritis where there is swelling on joints .
Sciatica - In sciatica there is severe pain radiating in one leg where much benefits are seen for this procedure.
Complicated disorders like -
Spine Disorders -
Odema all over the Body
Varicose Veins
Superficial Venous Thrombosis
Arterial Diseases
Can be treated successfully by this procedure.
©Dr.Shweta Kulkarni
ShreeVishwa Ayurved and Panchkarm Chikitsalay,
Dombivli east
Contact - 9404216580