A deep enquiry of who you really are, brings you the realisation that there is nothing to be proved and nothing to possess.
📖 *An Intimate Note To The Sincere Seeker* 📖
*#128. Ego*
When does the ego come into play?
1. When you don't get attention.
2. When you seem to be losing attention.
3. When you get attention. (Laughter)
Ego causes heaviness, discomfort, fear, anxiety. Ego restricts your genuine expression. Ego is separateness, non-belongingness, wanting to prove and to possess.
Ego has a positive aspect as well. It is a great driving force. Ego can elevate your spirit and motivate you to do great work. Most of the rewards and recognition are there to augment the ego. Yet, you can't stand an egoistic person and get upset with them. Egotism is born out of ignorance. Rather than feeling contempt for such people, have compassion.
A deep enquiry of who you really are, brings you the realisation that there is nothing to be proved and nothing to possess. This insight elevates you to another level of existence which is beyond the ego; it leads you to the natural state you are born with.
*For God's sake don't get rid of the ego!*
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji