🌼 The severe heat is causing vomiting loose motions hyperacidity to many.
Some simple and common remedies to counter heat:
1. Soak white plain kurmura in water add mishri mash with hands and drink this water sip by sip
2. Boil water with coriander seeds/dhaana let it cool and sip on it
3. Protect head from sun.
4. Keep water in moonlight or in a silver vessel and drink in morning.
5. Apply a few drops of ghee in nabhi/ naval at bedtime.
6. Avoid eating spicy and oily food.
7. Avoid fermented food and stale food.
8. Take 1 tsp gulkand daily.
Stay Swastha!
Dr. Harsha D. Kulkarni MD Ayurved
Om Ayurved centre