Sonth powder or dry ginger powder
Sonth powder or dry ginger powder:
The simple and humble sonth powder is known since 1000s of years for it's medicinal properties. Ayurvedic texts give various names to each medicinal herb according to it's properties, according to it's plants lifecycle, it's unique features and also according to the place it's grows in.
Sonth is termed as Vishwabhaishaj.
When the ancient texts are known for their compact Sanskrit shlokas, they don't use a single unimportant word anywhere. So this name Vishwa-bhaishaj is very deeply meaningful.
Just think,
Why would the Rishis give such a name to a simple herb? They did not have any commercial angle to writing. They observed, recorded, documented facts only with one intention. That intention was to be helpful to humankind in healing. In such a way that is not harmful to nature.
So even when we deal with infections, we don't intend to kill germs. We mainly strengthen our body and modify the body immunity such that the body environment turns unsuitable for germs growth.
As we all know now, we are surrounded by trillions of germs from inside out literally. Our body immunity is a far complex function than modern bio chemical science has been able to decode so far.
At such times when the world is facing severe shortage of scientific advances to tackle one invisible virus, it is time we look back at the whole understanding we have of how human body functions and co-exists with other functioning beings around.
It is time we give much due respect to the ancient healing medical sciences who seem to have pearls of wisdoms hidden deep down in Sanskrit shlokas and apparent in traditional practices.
One simple herb like dry ginger root, sonth has to offer hundreds of remedies. Since ages it has been used to boost immunity in times of epidemics. Since years Indians have known this as part of their food, festivals and religious practices.
Simple remedies of sonth to boost immunity :
1. Boil 2 lt drinking water with 1/2 to 1 tsp sonth powder and drink leaukwarm to reduce kafa and vata dosha in mouth, throat and stomach.
2. Take 1 gm sonth powder and hold it on your tongue for 5 to 7 minutes, letting it mix with your saliva and then gulp it. Do this twice a day, after food. While giving it to young children, mix with jaggery and a few drops of cows ghee. You may add haldi/ turmeric powder to it. This will assist in reducing kaf and vata from upper body and also assist in digestion.
3. Inhaling half a pinch of sonth powder through nostrils. As many of you have already done this in our clinic or even at home, you know the procedure. Still for details you can see 'pradhaman nasya' on my YouTube channel. This can be done once or twice a day. This will reduce ama=toxins and kafa and vata dosha from nasal passage. This is the mildest form of pradhaman nasya so can be easily done by anyone at the first sign of cold, watering, allergy , nasal block, headache as well. On any details or direction on how to do this, see my YouTube channel. People below 8 years and above 80 years avoid this. If anyone has any other disease, nasal disorders, or any history of operatives, consult your Ayurvedic consultant before doing this.
4. Applying lep: make a lukewarm thick paste of sonth + buttermilk on forehead and sinuses area on face and keeping it on for an hour. This will reduce most type of headaches and sinusitis pain.
As we all know it is ginger. So it might burn, cause watery eyes or a sneeze or two. But after that what follows is immediate relief and healing.
-Om Ayurved centre, Thane