🌸 Our seat ideas about ourselves makes us unhappy. Our identification with likes and dislikes restricts us.
🌸 Drop this ‘_What will people think about me? What will happen to my respect & prestige_?’
🌸 _The self can not be seen by you (eyes) since the seer is the self_
🌸 Doer-ship : when you think you have put effort into something. You are not the doer, everything isn’t moving and happening on its own.
🌸 Craving for ‘free me, free me’ is itself another bondage.
🌸 ‘ I am not the doer, it’s not happening’ —> that nectar leads you to happiness.
🌸 Why are you unhappy about people & situations when everything is changing?
🌸 No has more power than yes!
🌸 Precious words by GURUDEV - *Be happy (सुखी भव ) - That’s an order and a blessing! Be void of sorrow. *