Insomnia or Sleep Apnea
Mostly people are suffering with Insomnia or further Sleep Apnea .
First of all we should be clear that Insomnia is sleep disorder condition where you feel hard to fall or stay asleep, can be acute or chronic .There are 70 different sleep disorders can disrupt your sleep and insomnia is one of them .Sleep apnea is a serious medical condition that interfere with your breathing while you are sleeping , breathing stops momentarily . Sleep Apnea is due to collapsing of soft tissues in the back of throat and obstruct the airways. Due to this body drops in oxygen level and keeps you waking up and you feel tiredness and fatigue . This fatigue becomes the major root cause of Obesity hypertension and heart problems you face later .
Sleep Apnea is diagnosed done in a lab under the supervision of sleep specialist . They measure :
Brain wave
Blood oxygen level
Heart rate
Breath rate
Leg and Eye movement
While in insomnia doctor collect the information from the person .
Insomnia can be linked with other health issues like arthritis ,pain , anxiety , asthma hormonal disturbance. So insomnia is a condition of difficulty in falling asleep .
Now we can see how we feel at wake up time : we have dry mouth ,sore throat or headache .or snore loudly and momentarily stop breathing without we notice it .
If anyone answer is yes then your insomnia is linked to sleep apnea . And you need treatment . Consult your doctor .