Good Sadak Good Seeker never say negative things
Good Sadak Good Seeker never say negative things
KatoUpanishad - Katha means the final. What is the final/end/ultimate about life
Shanti Mantra -
Om Saha NaaVavaatu, Saha Nau bhunaktu, saha Viiryam karavaavahi, Tejasvi Naa- Vadhiitam-Astu Maa Vidvissavahai
Om shanti shanti shanti!!!
Lets eat grow together, enjoy together, celebrate together.
Let our perceptions match. If both experience together there is no conflict.
Peace/Tranquility is there.we are meant to be together. Let us be together in our spirit.
Intellect creates barrier.Let us not hate each other. Let there be peace in our soul in our mind and environment
If our mind is in peace , then only we can do deep in our knowledge.
This mantra is chanted even before our meals.
Joy is in giving. Victory is when you give.Vishwajit Yagya- wins the whole universe by giving. Wins the hearts of people.Acquiring/Possessing is not winning.
if your mind is sharp, you dont wait for experience to happen to you. anyone's expereince becomes your expereince
you dont need to go through all the suffering.
This Upanishad is dialog between young mind and lord of death.
What is death ? What is the ultimate secret that nobody is able to unveil.
If you are good sadhak, good seeker, never say negative things
At door of death - part 1 Notes