"Do you want to experience miracles in your life? If yes, always give your 100 percent." If we have love, tenderness, humility and a sense of ease in our hearts, we can become so creative that we will be able to take humanity to a different level.
_*How can we attract grace or blessings in our life?*_
Once, there was a huge fire in the forest. All the animals were panicking and running in different directions. The terror of fear was all around.
Suddenly, a cheetah saw a small bird flying over its head. But the bird was flying in the opposite direction, towards the forest where the fire had started. Even after seeing the flames, the bird was flying in that direction without stopping.
A few moments later, again the cheetah saw the bird flying over it, but this time in the same direction that the cheetah was moving in.
For some time the cheetah observed the movement of the bird very carefully and realised that the bird was flying towards the forest and then in its opposite direction, repeatedly.
After seeing all this for some time, the cheetah could not hold back and decided to ask the bird about it, because this behavior of the bird seemed very strange to the cheetah.
The cheetah asked the bird, "Why are you flying from here to there repeatedly?"
The bird replied, "I first go towards the lake and fill my beak with water, and then go towards the forest and drop it over the fire to put out the fire."
The cheetah started laughing on hearing this. It said to the bird, "Have you lost your mind? Do you really think that you can put out that huge fire on your own, with water filled in your little beak?"
"No," said the bird. "I know that I will not be able to put out the fire. But the forest is my home. The forest gives me fruits to eat, it gives shelter to me and my family. I am very grateful to the forest for this. And when I eat the fruits and flowers of the forest and drop the seeds here and there, those seeds play an important role in making the forest dense and spreading the forest further. I am part of this forest and this forest is part of me. I know I can't put out the fire, but I have to do my best."
While the bird was having this heartfelt conversation with the cheetah, the divine spirits living in the forest were listening to it all. They all became very happy and impressed by the bird's feelings of love for the forest. They caused a miracle to bring heavy rains in the forest and the rain put out the fierce fire.
In earlier times, grandmothers would sometimes tell this story to their grandchildren, then end the story by saying, "Do you want to experience miracles in your life? If yes, always give your 100 percent." If we have love, tenderness, humility and a sense of ease in our hearts, we can become so creative that we will be able to take humanity to a different level.
If we consider ourselves to already be perfect in everything, then the emptiness inside us will only be filled with these concrete thoughts and there will be no room for divine energy to enter our hearts...we will never be able to experience the grace of God.
It will be like an upside-down pot on which anything we pour will never be filled. Humility creates a spiritual void in us and only then can we imbibe the grace of God.
*"Man has the potential to blossom until he becomes love himself. Instead of seeking blessings, he becomes a blessing. Instead of seeking grace, he becomes a source of grace. In short, that is the essence of spiritual life. "*